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Going to buy a 1100GS (probably)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:13 am
by JohanOtten
Hi all there. I'm just new here. I made a thread on the r1100r part already because that was my first choice bmw. I found out that this probably won't we the bike I'm going to drive because I'm too tall. I'm 6'9" (2.03) so I turned to the GS, though I'm have a bit of a hard time getting over the beak. What I want to ask is what too look for. GS's within my budget have around 60000km and upwards. Have there also been a gearbox upgrade as with the r1100r? What are the things that could breakdown and how can I recognize them?

Thanks people, I must say the forums here have been very helpful so far. I hope I can join the boxer ranks soon!

Re: Going to buy a 1100GS (probably)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:42 pm
by omg1010
Hi Johan,

as the GS is identical to the R (different final drive, different shocks, different paralever, different instruments and some other little things) basically it is the same issues. I would go for a post 1997 model and if you can afford try to grab the 1150GS.


Re: Going to buy a 1100GS (probably)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:14 pm
by def
You'll be better off going to the BMW GS specific site where there are routine discussions regarding older GS models like the R1100GS, R1150GS, etc.

Re: Going to buy a 1100GS (probably)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:04 am
by Sherman1
well "JohanOtten"
I am not familiar with the bikes even I don't have a bike but I would request you when you buy that please post the photos of your bike along with price which you will pay. Because I want to see that and got some idea about the bikes. i am also looking for a bike. Ok Best of LUCK